Join me in a conversation that goes beyond manifestation and hustle, and into the nuance and intersections of what it means to make money on your own terms.
I’m Ray Dodd, a Money Coach who believes you are absolutely capable of earning life-changing amounts of money.
On Real You Real Money, my brilliant guests and I will explore the stories we tell ourselves about money, and the impact they have on us, our lives, and our world. Expect feminism, honesty and lots of talk about that place where emotions and business collide.
Have you ever felt like there isn’t space for you to create wealth? Like you’re societally excluded from earning the money you know you’re capable of?
Then this is the place for you.
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Episode 36: 2021 has been hard... and here's what to do about it
It doesn't feel trustworthy. I think when I made that money fast. It felt very much like I'd been chucked up in the air and left. Then I was a bit like, what? Where am I? What's happening? I don't know. I didn't get here gently. It's why we should be much more positive about slow growth
Episode 35: Myth Busting Self Care
It doesn't feel trustworthy. I think when I made that money fast. It felt very much like I'd been chucked up in the air and left. Then I was a bit like, what? Where am I? What's happening? I don't know. I didn't get here gently. It's why we should be much more positive about slow growth
Episode 34: The One Where Ray gets Interviewed
It doesn't feel trustworthy. I think when I made that money fast. It felt very much like I'd been chucked up in the air and left. Then I was a bit like, what? Where am I? What's happening? I don't know. I didn't get here gently. It's why we should be much more positive about slow growth
Episode 33: Getting Real about Hustle Culture, Life Changing Money, and the 6-figure Chat
Things that I've noticed about what it means for people like you and me to make money - people that have traditionally been left out of moneymaking - so much of it comes down to the ways in which we have been shown examples. We've watched people do this. It's been on TV. It's been all shown to us in very narrow ways.
Episode 32: Let's Get Honest About Coaching Programs with Jo Casey
I kind of think of [coaching] as sitting with someone and they're drawing stuff out of you, but you're also absorbing stuff and learning stuff from that person. And that's no bad thing. That's great.
Episode 31: The Soil in which I Thrive, with Ray Dodd
The quiet of August has given me space to introduce some changes and reimagine my business and get back to my roots of community. And I have some juicy news to share that you will be hearing more about in the next few weeks!
Episode 30: The Impact of Clothing on our Money Making, with Karen Arthur
When you dress for yourself you give other women permission to dress for themselves as well.
Episode 29: Feel good about the legal stuff, with Ingrid Fernandez
I could not speak more highly of community... I would not have a business at all without my community
Episode 28: The Real Impact of Taking Up Space
The impact of us not standing in our space, not doing our thing has impact beyond just you.
Episode 27: Confidence in Your Niche with No Apologies, with Ronke Fashola
It's very much about you taking your own identity and owning it and. Being able to say, I'm happy for people to look at me and go, what? Wow!
Episode 26: Doing Things Your Way and Making it Work, with Elizabeth Goddard
Elizabeth Goddard is inviting you to put down the perfectionism and launch those ideas a little faster so you can discover what works. And then do more of that.
Episode 25: The Stickiness of Making Money in a Helping Profession, with Vicky Bellman
As a therapist your nervous system needs to feel safe and you can do something about this with your pricing. Hear how this is important in the fat inclusive space from the amazing Vicky Bellman, a counsellor that incorporates health at any size, intuitive eating, from a trauma informed perspective and a feminist world view!
Episode 24: How my Business Thrived in the Pandemic, with Abigail Amankwa
Hold tight for incredible financial advice when we get super geeky towards the end when Abigail rolls up her sleeves (literally) and reveals her inner nerd and shares her excellent business profit saving advice - pure gold!
Episode 23: 5 Things to do if You Can't Afford to Invest
All businesses require investment and we are not always going to feel like we're in a hundred percent the right place to do it. Sometimes we will.
Episode 22: Ethical Selling and Enthusiastic Yeses, with Katy Prince
When I’m well paid, that's fuel for generosity.
Episode 21: Growing a Business Our Way with Ruth Kudzi
Listen to yourself first, if it doesn’t feel good. Don’t do it.
Episode 20: Radical Embodiment with Elle Johnston
What do I wish everyone understood about rest? That it's necessary. That it's not something you need to earn.
Episode 19: Boundaries - protect your time, money and headspace, with Jo Hooper
If something feels icky, crappy, makes you angry, makes you hurt, makes you feel upset, makes you feel resentful - that's a boundary that's off or has been crossed.
Episode 18: Exploring Self Doubt with Sas Petherick
I promise you: what changed for me wasn’t the money. The money was just a catalyst for what’s possible.
Episode 17: Are you doing good making money?
Growing fast can make you lose sight of your values.