Ready to sell more & make money WITHOUT compromising who you are or what you believe in? Watch my FREE masterclass…

Make More Sales In 3 Simple Steps

Buckle up! In the next 30-minutes you’ll: 

  • 💸 Discover 3 seriously simple ways to start selling right now!

  • 💥 Bust the 3 money myths stopping you from selling

  • 🧐 Uncover the BIG secret to making more money - It’s a game changer

I also share my journey from £7.50 in the bank and hating selling, to 6 consecutive £100k+ years.

Register below for instant access 👇

Once you’re inside, you’ll also get an exclusive invite to help you sell consistently & make more money, without the ick.

By signing up to watch my free masterclass you are opting in to receive my emails - you can unsubscribe at any time.

It’s easy to feel good about selling when you know how…

Be sure to watch this free 30-min masterclass if…

  • 🤢 Selling feels icky, gross and pushy to you. You dread doing it. 

  • 😴 You’re done with not getting enough sales. You’re putting in way too much time and energy to get tumbleweed.

  • 🧑‍💻 You’re fannying around with your prices, your product, your website… but no matter how much you tweak, the sales are still hard work.

It’s time to discover how to show up and sell, exactly as you are.

By signing up to watch my free masterclass you are opting in to receive my emails - you can unsubscribe at any time.

Hi, I’m Ray, money mindset coach for entrepreneurs, coaches, small business owners, artists, makers and all round generous hearted and ambitious humans.

In 2016 I felt just like you about selling. It felt icky, uncomfortable, awkward. I DID NOT like selling… so I wasn’t doing it. 

But then I discovered there was £7.50 left in my account. That was all the money my family had. I HAD to figure out this money and selling stuff. So… I did. 

In just 4 months I went from £7.50 in the bank to my first £7.5k month. Since then, I’ve had 6 consecutive £100k+ years in my business. 

I share the whole juicy story behind HOW this happened, in this masterclass. 

As Seen In Happiful Magazine

“Encouraging women to stop making themselves small, to stop apologising for existing, and to stop holding themselves back from pursuing their dreams, Ray is an empowerment sensation.”

What if you could sell with joyful abandon?

Want to feel free to be yourself when you are doing it?

Want to get visible, get selling and make more money?

Are you ready to: 

  • 🔓 Unlock the BIG secret to making more money? It’s a game changer.

  • 💡 Discover WHY selling feels so hard, and move past the discomfort?

  • 📈 Start selling and making more sales right now? 

…and get an exclusive invite to help you sell consistently & make more money, without the ick.

Register below to watch now 👇 See you in class.

By signing up to watch my free masterclass you are opting in to receive my emails - you can unsubscribe at any time.