Episode 2: What if affordability is a MYTH?


I know how important it is to so many of you that what you offer is not too expensive. I also know that this drive for affordability is rooted in a desire to be kind, to be inclusive and to have impact. All amazing things to be and to strive towards. ⁣ Don’t get me wrong - This is LAYERED! And I’m not saying that pricing low is not ok, if it’s working for you I’m all for it!⁣But if month after month, year after year you are aware that your prices need to rise but you are too scared to take the leap because of all of the what if’s…then this is the episode for you.

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“In many ways, our quest for it is often not always is some unacknowledged privilege of ours.”

“As soon as you are charging money, you are not accessible to everybody.”

“We somehow have put together or connected to the idea that affordability is like-ability.”

“Pricing isn't about kindness. Pricing is about what feels good to you. It's about the sustainability of your business.”


Episode 3: What does it mean to be good with money?


Episode 1: What it means to be a money making woman