Ready For More: Day Retreat

Turn your potential into a plan and give yourself a pay rise.

Create a breakthrough in your income, up-level your mindset, and make a plan to embody your next money making level. 

Wednesday 16th October 10am-4pm in Hackney, London. 

7 Spaces available.

Spend the day with me getting honest and clear about the money you really want to make.

I’ll coach you on both the mindset and the action that corresponds with that desire so that the money you want too make moves from being an 'if only' to an inevitability.

You will leave our day together with an expanded sense of who you are and what is possible for you and a plan to back that up!

This is not a day about proven methods that have worked for someone else.

This is about honing in on what works for YOU! 

Expect good food, deep connections and lots of laughter. PLUS a shot of delicious momentum as we head into the final quarter of 2024. 

  • Stop standing on the sidelines of your earning potential.

  • Step out of the cycle of waiting for things to change but not taking the kind of action that aligns with how you want to show up.

  • Quit looking outside of yourself for the ‘proven method’ that will get you there and start trusting what works for you.

What you can expect…

Personalised Coaching: We’ll focus on what works specifically for YOU, not someone else’s proven method or formula.

Intimate Setting: Only 7 spots available – this is your chance to get enjoy the power of both individualised coaching in a small setting. Meaning you get coached by me face to face whilst benefitting from the power of the groups collective wisdom.

Empowered Planning: Walk away with an expanded sense of who you are, what's possible for you, and a solid plan to back it up!

Incredible Atmosphere: Expect delicious food, deep connections, lots of laughter, and a powerful shot of momentum as we head into the final quarter of 2024.


Pay in Full: £500

2 x monthly payments of £250

When it comes to making real lasting shifts in our businesses and our money making, doing it with other people is the secret ingredient to momentum. That is especially true when it comes to money making.

Money is so coated in shame for so many of us, and sharing openly and honestly with others is the fastest and most effective way to melt that shame right away.

It's what I've seen over and over again during the in person day retreats I have run for my clients. But I have never offered one of these intimate retreat outside of my group programs before. Not until now that is.

Join me and experience the magic of being truthful about what you want in a group of people who are doing the same and making a plan of action in line with that.

Every time I’ve hosted one of these intimate in-person retreats, magic happens. Clients break free from old patterns, share openly about money, and find an unexpected source of confidence by doing this work alongside others. It’s time to experience that magic for yourself!

AND if the October date doesn’t work for you, now worries I have a second day retreat coming in January. The theme is ‘The Real You Makes Real Money in 2025’. You can book your spot here.