Episode 41: What We Miss when we Set Goals

In this episode, I wanted to hop on and talk a little bit more about the idea behind my Anti Goals Workshop, and what that title actually means!


When we talk about goals, a lot of the time they can be deceivingly simple. The typical conversation around them ignores the anxiety that making goals can set off and the unique conditioning we all experience that might stop us from reaching that goal… or even making it to begin with!


That’s why I want to do a 180 on goals as we step into the new year. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing to have an idea of where you’re going and make plans. The thing I’m not a fan of within traditional goal setting is using goals as metrics to measure your worth or continued success. It doesn’t take into account the unique human behind the goals: the fact that goals might take more than one try, or be effected by unexpected life events, or take a little more work depending on your own conditioning around things like success.  


Listen for more talk about a new way to approach goal setting and how to make space for the individual, wonderful YOU as you make plans for 2022.


Want to watch the full Anti Goals Workshop?

Just sign up here and we'll send you the replay: https://www.raydodd.co.uk/anti-goals-workshop


Interested in working with me in the new year?

Here's a link to more info on 1:1 coaching: https://www.raydodd.co.uk/1to1-coaching

And my new VIP days, where you get to spend a full day with TWO coaches - me and the brilliant Jo Casey - as we help you focus in on the next phase of your business: https://www.raydodd.co.uk/vip-day



"If we simply make the goal, like "I'm going to double my income. I want to double my business's revenue." Well, great....but what are you going to have to unravel in order to actually achieve that goal?"


"Goals often are made as if our subconscious brains and our feelings don't exist and they can give us a false sense of control. If I make a goal, if I name where I'm going, then I will avoid the stickiness of everything that surrounds that goal."


"Most goal setting I've seen is... about becoming a more standardised version of yourself. And forgetting, burying, casting aside, abandoning the parts of you that yes, are sometimes hard to deal with. But are also other sides of magical parts of you.

And I really want to encourage you. I am excited to see what happens when we set goals that honour who we are."


Episode 43: Bringing Ease to your Business with Katrina Young


Episode 40: Why I’m No Longer Using the Word ‘Mindset’